Monday, 29 February 2016

Answers on a postcard...

I have issues! This is going to be a rambling post because...well it's my blog and I can! So anyway, back to the matter in hand; below is a little montage of my current situation... 

At my ripe (!) age, many of the people that are around me and in my life are either booed up, in a serious relationship, married or completely unbothered by the single life. And I'm just here trying to figure out what gives lol... I mean come on...


I. Am. Baffled.

So those that know me, tell me that I'm pretty awesome lol...ok maybe not awesome but something quite close to it...honestly...I'm just not sure why it isn't happening?????!!!!????

I mean...
  1. I try to always smile 
  2. I've headed advice from friends and am trying to GET OUT THERE...wherever THERE is...
  3. I always wear matching socks and underwear (hey, you never know when you might get cut out of a car (or your clothes...hahaha...)by a firefighter! AND...
  4. I'm on paying money to (get messages from weirdos) find love or at least something that could resemble it in 100 years time. 

For many years I truly believed it was all because I was a chunky monkey but over the years I have lost vast amounts of weight, put some back on and am sitting somewhere I between...and still no fairytale!

Now If you've made it this far down the post then is I guess I should share my one positive. I have grown to appreciate myself in all my curvaceous glory! While I am NOT in a place of complete adoration, I HAVE grown in confidence & know for a fact that actually...when I make a bit of effort...I'm a bit of alright ;-)

I have some, ahem, attributes that others pay money for, so for the 'gifting' of free hips and bum...I should be grateful. I know that I'm a good person, I'm funny (my friend told me I should have my own show LOL!), my eyebrow game is on fleek lol...(I am actually laughing at my use of 'on fleek' in a real sentence) and I don't hog the duvet....

...But. Still. No. Fairytale. 

And with 30 approaching in the not too distant future (2017)...I am asking...Why not? When? How? I'll take all answers long and short...on a postcard please!

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